

Language initiation for the youngest

For many young children, French as a permanent language of instruction is too big a step. In their case, language immersion would be demotivating and counterproductive.

Interest and motivation are the key words. This is why Dutch is used as the language of communication for our youngest participants in Wégimont.

The leaders do express themselves in Dutch and French and try to accomplish the same with the children through positive stimuli and varied language animation activities.

These action moments appear playful but are didactically justified and, as such, produce good results. The emphasis in this phase is mainly on learning and fixing useful words and short phrases!

Language animation: fluency and confidence

After several years of French/English (as early as 1 year) at school, young people have already accumulated a great deal of passive school knowledge. It becomes problematic when this knowledge has to be converted into practice. Language fluency is the challenge. This is quite a chore for many young people.

First of all, their fear of speaking French/English must be overcome by giving the young people confidence in themselves. Consequently, fault tolerance is very high in the beginning. It may sound strange, but it works. After all, correcting mistakes in public takes away the desire to indulge in a foreign language.

In the second half of the week, more attention is gradually paid to the correct use of language.

Positive stimuli continue to apply. In addition, negative comments are also made if insufficient French or English is spoken.

Language perfection: correct use of language

Young people who are fluent in French or English are ready for our language perfection program. The workshops remain playful and active but have a much higher language content.

At the end of such a week, the participant should not only have a wow feeling of "I can do it" but also the confidence that it is quite correct.

Doubt: Language initiation or language animation?

Wégimont/Westende or Braives?

The question is whether or not the child can handle the language immersion situation. You as a parent can easily test this yourself by having some common Dutch phrases translated into French or saying some phrases yourself in French to see if your child understands it or not.

Some illustrative examples :

French > English
-Je peux avoir le pain ? ->Can I have the bread ?
-Tout le monde dans la salle à manger à 18h30! -> Everyone in the dining room at half past six!
-Tu as bien dormi ? -> Did you sleep well ?
-Comment tu t'appelles? -> What is your name?
-Où est-ce que tu habites ? -> Where do you live ?
-Combien de frères as-tu ? -> How many brothers do you have ?
-Tu veux un verre de limonade ? -> Would you like a glass of lemonade?
-Quelle est ta couleur préférée ? -> What is your favorite colour?
-Tu cours trop vite. -> You are walking too fast.

Game explanation: French > English

English > French
-I am 12 years old. -> J'ai 12 ans.
-I like swimming. -> J'aime nager.
-Where is Ben? -> Où est Ben?
-I don't understand. -> Je ne comprends pas.
-Do you play along? -> Tu joues avec?
-We won. -> Nous avons gagné.
-Can you help me ? -> Tu peux m'aider ?
-I can't find my ball pen anymore. -> Je ne trouve plus mon stylo.
-I live in Ghent. -> J'habite à Gand.

Example of game explanation in French

Au milieu du local, il y a des chaises. Vous devez marcher autour de ces chaises vers la droite. Je vais raconter une histoire. Quand vous entendez le mot "football", vous devez vous asseoir le plus vite possible. Celui qui n'a pas de chaise prend ma place et raconte une nouvelle histoire avec un autre mot pour s'asseoir.

This is the language version of musical chairs. If your son/daughter understands this fluently, he/she will undoubtedly be able to handle a language immersion formula.

Of course, motivation is also very important. Your child must not only be able to handle the language immersion situation but must also want to speak French/English continuously. If the ability and will are lacking, the time to participate in a language vacation may not yet have arrived.

Braives Ferme Limbort or Braives Moulin de Hosdent?

Participants aged 14-15 in Belgium can choose between language animation and language perfection (older age group).

The language animation formula is only an option for youngsters who can already express themselves  fairly in French. If not, it is advisable to choose for language initiation.

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